Thip Khao is located in northern DC and is known for their “jungle” menu which incorporates dishes that are rare to most and most dishes being on the high end of the spice level. One of the best and rarest dishes I’ve had at Thip Khao was the Fried Pig’s Ears($8). This might not sound appeasing to some, but this Laotian snack food is unbelievable in it’s simplicity and taste and is a must try. The pig ears are sliced into strips, braised and then deep fried to a light crunchy exterior with a soft chewy interior. It’s seasoned with tamarind salt which give it a sweet, sour coating that can only be described as addictive. It’s served with a fermented chili-fish sauce which provide a nice background of saltiness and spice. But to be honest the pig ears and tamarind salt seasoning alone stand out and no additional sauces are really required.