I recently went home for the Holidays. So while I was there, I had to go to all my usual restaurants that I've loved and missed so much. Among those is the Wok. I know this report may strike you as odd because all this really is is fried chicken nuggets smothered in sauce. But, if you ask any of the locals where the best Chinese food is, they'll tell you the Wok; and if you ask those people what to get there, I can practically guarantee you they'll tell you to get the tiny spicy chicken.
This is the definition of a Bigtime bite in my mind. Especially if you go at lunch. I have yet to clean my plate in one sitting. They give you an almost absurd amount of food for the price, and it's not some hole-in-the-wall restaurant either; it's a nice sit-down kind of place. The tsc is perfectly puffy fried chicken smothered in the Wok's fantastic tiny spicy sauce. The name will probably throw you off, because it's not very spicy. It's a very sweet sauce with just a slight kick. Akin to a general Tso's sauce. The chicken is always great (I never find fatty pieces) and there's always leftovers. This place holds a big spot in my heart, and a bigger spot in my stomach. Although it may just seem like cheap fried food, I can assure you it's more than that.